
www.beats4monster.co.uk The outside Gao Shu

 Chapter 106 gentleman faces East China Sea
Fan sits around in idleness on the Ta and lightly holds***hand, discovering the crease on the grandmother's hand is more and more deep, feel with the heart palpitates that blood relationship separate 1 kind.After once diagnosing vein, he discovers grandmother just occasionally suffered from cold, the body has no big Ai, however ……after all age old, the oil will exert, light will withered, don't know to return as well ability the cook is several years.
Is at the thought of this, his mood then kept on falling low, and at this time at what the emperor of down stairs brings shocked, let him sink into silent in.
The second floor inside calmness for a long time behind, the old madam sighed tone to say:"You are actually worrying what?"
"Do not I know how the later road walks?"Fan Jian looking at grandmother, that serious side to permit, the smile says, he knows the serious side of grandmother permits under, what to conceal is a gentle and soft heart.
"These several years you walk very goodly."The old madam's voice presses a bit lowly, although the down stairs affirm out of hearing they the Zu Sun Er Ren's dialogue.She is kind to smile, crumpled the head of crumpling Fan Jian, tone and facial expression inside all deeply wear one is proud of and delighted.
With the obtained by Fan Jian in these three years and the fame, teach one all alone this grandson come of old madam, certainly have satisfied enough reason.
"Go 100 the inside road half 90."Fan Jian's self-ridicule claps head and says:" Afraid walk to half hour the head suddenly dropped down."
The old madam is quiet to is quiet to looking at his/her own grandson, a long time behind alleviate to say:"Is it the his majesty that arrive at state and let you produce some ominous viewpoints?"
Fan Jian lowered the head to think for a long time and confirmed oneself to arise spontaneously in times before of emotion is what, then formally ordered to nod.
The old madam looking at his double eye.In a soft voice say:"You are also getting bigger, but some words I have to remind you."
"Grandmother speak, please."
"Our Fan Jia never needs to stand a brigade ……but you.More don't need to stand a brigade, because we always is all station in the his majesty before the body."The old madam is serious but hard says:"As long as promise this.That you can't go forever bad step wrong."
This sentence inside is implicit numerous meaning, but all is establishment at to emperor's strongest trust foundation up.Fan Jian some doubts saw grandmother's one eye.But don't dare to give out sound to mutually ask.
"The affair proven with 30 years, not demand then doubt."
Fan Jian isn't equal to this to think.He thinks history proved thing, usually all till the last will from in the future overthrow.He says after wanting want:"But under the such situation.The his majesty leaves Kyoto, really risky."
"You are foolish meeting son preparation enter Jian?"Old madam smile don't smile the grandson of lookinging at he or she.
Fan Jian ordered to nod after wondering few:"By this time rushing through to return to should still in time."In fact this words are also falsely set.He is clear.Emperor now that arrive at state in this time.There is very important viewpoint in the affirmative heart.Isn't oneself's a few words and then can rush through to return to.It just is one famous official son, particularly want to disguise a loyal minister filial son.Some words he has to directly speak.
The old madam says with a smile:"That you go.Otherwise the his majesty will wait hasty."
Fan Jian also smiled to smile.But don't leave right away.Explore into grandmother inside the body with a true spirit in a sky with quiet attention again.Looked into for a while body condition in old man's house, leave a few medicine square son, and then accompanied grandmother to say a meeting son gossip.Until old man's house starts making noon to trap.Just pull a very thin towel for grandmother.The Nie hand Nie foot building.
Descend to the first floor, gift department inside the building still book.The Qin Jian in the sky is positive.Yao eunuch.Those people looking at Fan Jian's look in the eyeses all some weird.These people didn't thought of little adult Fan's courage unexpectedly such of big, in two upstairs stop over such of long, will wait to talk with him of emperor his majesty Liang along while.
This dared to let to celebrate country emperor to wait a so long person in the world.Probably also only Fan Jian Yi person.These somebodies in the mindses are all cutting and polishing, the his majesty dotes on to this illegitimate child, indeed as expected is arrived 1 kind to exaggerate very much step.
Fan Jian went one gift to this several people, the smile asked a way:"What about his majesty?"
Gift department still book wry smile 1.With the look in the eyes go toward outside Pie Pie, pointed road for him.The Yao eunuch endures to smile to get Fan Jian to go out.Say:"See laurel blossom son in the garden."
The state is the most famous to would be a flowering tea.Fan still the book and Fan Jians all like this, old houses will go toward to send in Kyoto annually.Still one among those parts Gong went into a temple.Although garden in the old house isn't big,had dime be also separated in those early years by Fan Jian.Grew some laurel blossom sons to fully mix tea of use.
Walk to that outside in the Cape garden, Yao eunuch the Kou wear body to back bottom, feel some in a free mind Fan oddness, don't in the his majesty resist the leader eunuch of den to nearby serve, how but run?A side thinks, his step has already stepped to go into a park and sees that stub tree bottom emperor.
Still have the emperor old guy.
Fan Jian An takes a suck at an air conditioner, no wonder that Yao eunuch need not in the emperor nearby.It is in the side to is originally another a grandfather.He walks to come forward to, went one gift to the emperor, the side led body at the same time, as far as possible courtesy but don't rudely say to that eunuch:"Grandfather Hong is well."
In front of emperor, send goodwill gestures to the eunuch, this originally is absolutely should not take place affair.But Fan Jian clear grandfather Hong isn't ordinary people, the emperor will also give he respect three cents, oneself asks one good.Should not calculate what.
Hong four Yangs are tiny tiny on smiling, saw Fan Jian Yi's eye, don't say what, backed emperor after death.
The emperor moved vision from the laurel in the garden down, clapped to clap hands and turned head to say to Fan Jian:"It is said that these trees is it you that move to come in a kind?"
Fan Jian should voice:"BE, the old house garden isn't big, the inside didn't grow in times before what tree, looking at a bit dull, particularly is a spring summer of.The outside Gao Shu's flower bush, inside but too quiet, so moved several stubs."
"See to your this kid there are also several silk wit and humour."The emperor says with smile:"I stayed time in this yard, also was to have a tree in those early years, all only drive my these people did force to sell at a discount."
Fan Jian inwardly surprises, he stays 16 years in this house, but hasn't been knowing that the emperor once put up at here as well in those early years, the old woman's mouth was also really enough strict solid.
He suddenly thoughts of father and Jing Wang Ye all once lifted to come and go a matter, the his majesty once took in those early years Chen Ping Ping and father to Dan state played, it the his majesty returned to be just not famous son of a feudal lord.But
Dan state ……they ran into mother and five uncle Zhus and reckoned thus, at that time house of time .Is also ……H'm, the history car wheel starts becoming of the moment?
Spread to tread in the garden, have one gossip of taking to have no a to take to say with emperor, a free mind Fan's feeling gradually has some to become nervous, doing not know should seek what opportunity open mouth, advise emperor to hurriedly return to city.The facial expression on the face starts seeming to be some don't get up naturally.
"I ain't a tiny."Seeming guesses that Fan Jian is just thinking what, the emperor tiny Zhao says:"After I leave Kyoto for the third.Then have already declared to world, so you don't want to hold over sensitive."
Fan Jian Zheng is big eyes, shocked ask a way:"His majesty ……do the owners all know that you come to Dan state?"
"Being wrong is owners to all know that I want to go to a fiesta for sky."The emperor saw his one eye.Are negative at the hands after death, in front came out garden.
Fan Jian some doubts saw grandfather Hong's one eye.Hurriedly heel go up, with after death cross-examine a way in the emperor:"His majesty, why don't the minister know this affair?"
The emperor didn't stop a step and sneered at to say:"Imperial envoy adult your on the water plays of delectation, and then how can receive my parties to the aim idea of Hangzhou?"
Fan Jian Da Dun's embarrassed don't dare to connect words.
Emperor, some vexations say:"You are all the way after all open imperial envoy.How can be good at to leave office to guard?I have already descended aim, let you assemble with the fiesta troops in the sky.Return after Hangzhou in the days to come, you walk up these regulations a walk."
Fan Jian Da Dun's embarrassed is tiny surprised after.Originally the aim idea of his majesty has already told world clearly and lets the troops that oneself, this imperial envoy joins a fiesta for sky.No wonder that coast those officials will guess that the person is on board.Just the emperor says in times before of words.Obviously is sheltering oneself ……ah, see to that affair in Kyoto after past few months, his majesty mood's seeming to be not was so bad.
The step that looking at emperor exceeded the wood door of old house, concealed on all sides in escort and yard of dark place officials all heel come out, momentary the field is matchless noisy, Fan Jian cannot helps but any further, catches up several steps and depresses voice to say:"His majesty ……situation in Kyoto is undecided, a fiesta sky.That minister then escorts his majesty to return to city."
The emperor stopped a step and turned head funny saw his one eye, say:"Since is a fiesta sky, why again want to return to city?"
Fan Jian Wei Zheng time way:"The fiesta nature in the sky is celebrating temple."
"Celebrate temple not only 1 is again."The emperor is light to say:"Is big east the top of hill also has a temple."
A free mind Fan's head big earthquake, a long time could not say words, the emperor is incredibly faraway come big east mountain fiesta sky!No wonder that along with wait on a cluster the inside phrase minister the bachelor's degree is very few, pour is a gift department the book, too often temple and Qin Jian in the sky positive this a few guyses still follow ……fiesta the sky discard to keep and really need this several individuals.Why just don't this affair do in Kyoto, but want to run to the strand of East China Sea?The emperor don't worry at 1:00 ……
"I know that you are worrying what."The emperor facial expression is a bit soft, seem to feel this son to is moment by moment the safety that is a dad to think, its heart can Jia, smiled to say after wanting to think:"Now that you are beyond control you worry, that good, the safety of my this trip, all hand over by you to be responsible for."
Fan Jian is again surprised, repeatedly wry smile, wish how to oneself Lan so the bitterness differ to make.At this time but can not also go to again to refuse, having to thank for favor should descend.
"The foolish meeting son comes to wharf up see me."The emperor knows what Fan Jian connects down and does to, after saying a words, then camed out a mansion door with grandfather Hong and ascended wagon.The Yao eunuch takes one stem attendant big minister also in succession heel go out.
The Fan Jian station looking at street in the mansion door the top is on all sides the ray of those tiny varieties, know tiger Wei and with drive of inspect sword the handses in the hospital already heel go up, just a little let go of heart.His Zhao Zhao hand, Wang Qi Nian ran to come over in front from the street, full face the consternation say to Fan Jian:"Adult, in times before what to go is ……"
Fan Jian ordered to nod.
Very the difficulties of Wang Qi Nian swallowed spittle and depressed voice to say:"How to run to come here this main son?"
Fan Jian's facial expression is tiny to sink, mumbling say:"Who don't know as well why, but I know, if he what matter son, I can Be getting over."
If the emperor encountered an accident in the fiesta process in the sky, be inspect a hospital to lift a department, at present again got Fan Jian of bodyguard's heavy responsibility, will die naturally very difficult see, at least those people in Kyoto, will definitely make this wearing Fan Jian Tou black pot of,www.beats4monster.co.uk, but themselves are smiling to sit that chair.
Fan Jian holds a fist, the wry smile self-ridicule says:"I think not be four attend to sword ……spread a hospital to keep on making, in the hospital halt the hand of road in Shandong all hair move.All wake up with a start for me, who if close to big east mountain 50 inside inside, a class notification."
Wang Qi Nian should descend.
Fan Jian again way:"Issue on order northern to the river, let the Jing Ge take 500 black ride to all through the night assist east hill path.Follow the northwest front line organize a defence, with be the state soldier match with, must promise to have no problem ……if have a changes, shoot on sight."
Wang Qi Nian's title saw adult one eye, the east hill path northwest kept a Yan Cang state in the city, was exactly small Yan B mostly Du big camp place.Just two be separated very and far, if Yan small B really has courage to rebel to murder a gentleman.There is also no way general brigade transfer such of far, also don't disturb imperial government.
"It is carefully always best plan."Fan Jian lowers the head to say, the in the mind is matchless angry, the emperor plays such a.Don't know and be frightened to death how much person.
Wang Qi Nian receives orders but goes to, one is dressed in cloth dress at this time the man walk to Fan Jian is nearby.The Gong body salutes a way:"Receive a his majesty aim idea, please an adult order."
Fan Jian saw this person one eye, moderate say:"The pair gets generally, the his majesty is personal to defend still your experienced hand is some, have what not satisfactory matter, two of us again the company measure."
Celebrate safety in the country imperial palace from forbid soldier and inner palace the bodyguard be responsible for, two systems were basically a set of actors of one troupe in those early years.Several inner palace bodyguards of year agos getting generally is small Yan B, the pair gets temple Dian then generally.Get to forbid soldier and bodyguard generally.
But is celebrating Li for five years, after Fan Jian Ye explore imperial palace, the safety of imperial palace defended a decoration to carry on a big change.Yan small B adjusts a term to advertise for north mostly Du, forbade soldier and bodyguard to also cut up into 2 slices.Big emperor's son is responsible for forbiding a soldier at present.But the bodyguard in the temple is grasped all alone by the Yao eunuch.
The person who talks with Fan Jian at this time is exactly big emperor's sub- assistant, forbid a soldier pair to get adult generally.Fan Jian with him talk nature have to be a little bit polite, but cannot compare with to talk about the weather, directly ask a way:"Forbid soldier to come how many persons?"
"2,000."Forbid a soldier pair to get a polite time generally way:"All at Dan state city outside in response to the life."
Fan Jian ordered to nod and wished 2,000 soldier of forbidings and plused again
Side those are like superior Lin.The safe problem should be able to guarantee.
He turned head to see one is concealed in the eye old house the dime 2 F now small building, tiny appear lost in thought, thought of for the first time and leave Dan state for time.Grandmother ever once said to make he or she a little bit cruel.Also thought of that grandmother once said, oneself's mother woulds be at the same time because is too gentle and soft, would die unnatural death.
Fan Jian more when this in a flash thoughted of childhood, grandmother embraced he or she to once say those words.Those unclear true facts.Sudden, he moved for a while-however but inhibitted down right away, sighed spirit to shake to shake head.
His majesty nearby grandfather Hong deeply can not measure, five uncle Zhus not at nearby, shadow and begonia also not at.Oneself plus king's 13 Langs.The strength is insufficient strong.And oneself far in the state, can not control from a distance trend in Kyoto.Most decisive of is ……Fan Jian have to admit and keep up to now a day.Emperor Lao Tze is still fairly good to he or she.
His self-ridicule a smile.Think this idea Yin flicked to go out from oneself the brain.
Forbid a soldier pair get but don't know generally his in the mind at thinks to be some greatly negative not way affair.Thinking little adult Fan worries a his majesty safety.It was necessary to persuade severals, clapped breast to mean confidence.
On the state wharf, rounding a view the common people has already been driven out to see be missing a trace and shadow, the friendly intercourse fishing boat has already respectively returned harbor as well, the whole city, seem to be all because of wharf to wear a thin middle age man's arrival of Huang Qing Pao up that.But become matchless to suppress and hold in high esteem.
Only have sky floating cloud, foam in sea.Fly the sea gull between water in sky to seem could not feel this kind of pressure, still very comfortable float, float.Fly.
Bird's on the water looks for food and sends out sharp interjection and waked up with a start on the wharf to contemplate emperor his majesty.
He backward Zhao Zhao hand, say:"Arrive me nearby."
Have been looking at emperor figuring Fan Jian under in the wooden board wharf in times before, listen to this words, jump up wooden board, walk to emperor nearby, after just a little depending a position.Facing front looking at that limitless ocean.
"Again is one-step before going toward."The emperor takes hands, didn't turn head.
Fan Jian Yi Zheng, again further according to aim, be alongside of with emperor to stand.
The sea breeze is blown and blow emperor cheeks side hair backward the Lue pour, but have no effeminate idea and on the contrary living an a few determinations to fold felling the public.His foot, wave just while tapping wooden board reef, turn to make snow.Two snow, numerous snow.
"Stand chest."Emperor eyes looking at an ocean end, to body side Fan Jian say, " I don't like that you dress up as one vice- timid appearance."
Fan Jian Wei is tiny on smiling, understand his majesty the mood at this time, depend on speech to relax naturally, be alongside of with him to stand, don't speak up.
"While coming to Dan state last time, I even none of princes BE."The emperor slowly says:"Chen Ping Ping is like Hong on that day four Yang similar station at after death, your father ……Fan's setting up to be like at this time you are similar, be alongside of with me to stand, wash to bathe Dan state this particularly pure clear sea breeze."
"After was a prince, Fan Jian then didn't dare to be alongside of me to stand any further."
Fan Jian Wei is partial to a head and sees the his majesty lips Cape flash across one silk self-ridicule.
The emperor tiny Zhao says:"Wait I to sit that chair, the south advertises for a north war, doesn't say a station and would is to dare to keep body and I talked persons to all have no."
Fan Jian's just right sighed an one breath.
"Our 3 people comes to Dan state for the sake of the relax by taking stroll on that day, it one in Kyoto disorder, two princes secretly get into nasty fight for the sake of the Duo Di, first emperor Be just unattractively and truly Wang Ye."The emperor is cool to say:"We are these younger generations, even have no way to participate among them, have to hide to leave a more far right and wrong more good."
He was partial to a head to see Fan Jian Yi's eye and said:"In fact and you the viewpoint is just about now, only you at present but compared me to have to be much strong in those early years."
Fan Jian's smile says:"The key is a heart ……not enough strong, some affairs, always don't know how to face."
"Is surprisingly you to accept Gan to still have several cents take pity on of feeling."The emperor returns overdo go to, the inhospitality says:"However so very good ……those early years our 3 people at this wharf on, looking at this ocean, in the chest have no to who take pity on of feeling, we think just how self-preservation, how can keep on living ……I am just thinking, see sea on that day, probably also just at expect sea suddenly appear a fairy."
Fan Jian is silent, know what emperor's connecting down will say.
"Sea have nothing at all, be like today generally."Emperor slowly says, the lips Cape again presents one silk smile an idea, " however when we turn head, but discover wharf up many a woman, also have her very strange servant."
The Fan Jian long dream says:"In fact the son minister has been being just thinking, you were how to become friends with a mother in those early years."
Emperor body tiny tiny one earthquake be come to a son minister by Fan Jian's this absolute being vibrate few, just discover this boy to unexpectedly say out in subconscious, lips side not from peep out one silk very delighted smile an idea.
However he has never continued this topic, just say:"Once said with you in times before, dare to be alongside of me to stand from no one ……but only your mother dare ……in spite of is a prince or an emperor, your mothers dare to be alongside of with me to stand and see ocean and blow sea breeze, not chase me be what the special person treats ……even, sometimes the milli- Don't mention it despises me."
The emperor self-ridicule says with smile:"She is clay-cold, this then had no this kind of person any further in the world ……I don't hope you to inherit title her for several cents and just feel you don't have to be too timid, without any reason Sun I and your mother power and prestige."
Fan Jian's wry smile thinks, this is you fondling a thou to make track for now, just allow my station meeting son, as for power and prestige ……still never mind, the small life is important.
"His majesty still returns to city."Fan Jian finally spoke he or she to mean to say words and slightly took a worried color to say:"Leaving a city is too long, always ……"
See his desire speech again, the emperor is cold to say:"Mean to say the words to you and all speak.You however is to mean to say, afraid someone's taking advantage o me isn't in Kyoto and harbor evil designs."
The emperor looking at ocean and is calm to apathetically tread and in a soft voice says:"My this trip faces a sea fiesta for sky, impartial discard to keep, would be to want lo of lo, who have that courage and courage, then want and see, celebrate river's mountain of country today, actually is who world.
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