
beats by dre studio hd he Chuan house that

 Chapter 284 fights country situation diagram
Renew time:2009-4-314:53:38 chapter word numbers:2220

In the autumn of 1560, the gross profit house surrenders nine ghost Jia Long.
Fight the map of country because of the emergence of gold tooth this modern people, produced a famous butterfly effect-a butterfly of Atlantic the other shore, lightly instigate several bottom wings, may arouse tornado of Pacific Ocean.
Pirate name nine ghost Jia Long unite notorious reputation Zhao big Japanese invaders head of group Jin in the island of the Zhao five brotherses-island Jin big Lang righteousness Jin in the tiger, island three Lang righteousnesses are long, island Jin again four Lang righteousness Hong and island the Jin again six Lang year olds is long, island the Jin again sevens is long, with one action annexed by force a gross profit house, war western calendar the history pushed forward for 23 decades.
The tacit consent that is dominated nine states in Jin house in the island.The gross profit house changes the ensign into 9.
Fight country map occurrence graveness variety.
Pirate name nine ghost Jia the Long controled south to ambition Mo north to add He the east reaches to the ocean hegemony of nine states to six feather wests, Nagasaki and even door, Osaka and that Ba a few big harbors all become the naval base base of nine ghost water soldiers.Even if is a male Ba the Jin water soldier in island of nine states be also forced is on the situation, don't dare with it contend for Feng, own minority water soldier of northern house, now Chuan house, long believe in a my department house, great friend house like this as well.Appear a strange phenomenon, each water soldiers all battle under the conductor of the name of place, don't have material relation with nine ghost water soldiers, but nominally, all nine ghost Jia Long is pirate name.To inside similar to the army go on expedition each other, have no alternative even to nine ghost water soldier battle, but outward, especially to the sea activity of China and Korea have already had engagement, all be subjected to pirate name nine ghost Jia the forbearance of the Long, unite a battle.As for with ride a soldier to claim leadership to have no water soldier of more believe on Chinese fir Qian of Houlung, A Fei tiger Wu Tian Xin Xuan, cure the next pass east region for taking precautions against to appear and disappear mysteriously of nine ghost water soldiers, have to depend on iron cannon Lus that the port spreads densely and strong army to sternly defend.Although nine ghost water soldiers don't dare to go ashore, at least, the on the water is to fight country invincibility of fierce!
Should say like this, now, in addition to knit a farmland, gross profit, big friend, long believe in my department, now Chuan, Wu Tian, last Chinese fir, island Jin, north the war country is nine big pre-eminent names, there is another a pirate name.
But pirate name nine ghost Jia the Long is a letter to take in the sixth day devil king knit farmland letter long ground.
Originally, in 1560, knitting the farmland shoulded just match 戰 in the bucket 狹間 in, defeated now Chuan, the Chuan righteousness dollar dies in battle now,beats by dre studio hd.
But because famous butterfly effect, more because pirate name nine ghost Jias the Long knit farmland letter to devil king of the sixth day longly with all strength support, farmer knitting of tail piece, own a tail piece, Meinong, missile now, more ex-, add He, near river and mountain city.The landscape of Yi He, Yi power and Hanoi ten countrieses, a jump to become the name that fights the most pre-eminent country.As the repay to the pirate name, knit the scheme of farmland to point to a gross profit house, give relaxing of mistake information, cause arrogant of the male of western country boldly and confidently attackstone a Ming Dynasty, but lend° soldier to have no army of nine ghost Jia Long, with one action seize ten countries in gross profit house Kansai.
This generous repay that would is the sixth day's devil king to the pirate name.
Nine ghost Jia the Long just founded a state and knit farmer quick led for the strong allies to the in recognition of.For now virtuous Kang influence in the Chuan house that defeat and destroyed to revolt behind in the Chuan house, knit farmland letter long equally to the in recognition of, sign pure continent allies.
Thus, fight stateowned near Ji seven 66 countries, devil king knits farmland letter on the sixth day long and his allies soldier had four 23 countries.(knit near Ji East China Sea of farmland northern 60 countries and ten countries, virtuous Chuan East China Seas, nine ghost Kansais two countries)The west system is nine Jin big friends in male island, east to can with"mutually mold lion" of the pass east north surname Kang, "the tiger of A Fei" Wu Tian Xin Xuan and"more behind of dragon, soldier absolute being" last letter of Shan Qian resist.Fight country general situation the beginning settle.
The war country in nowadays pre-eminent nine nameses are:Knit a farmland, nine ghosts, big friend, long believe in my department, virtuous Chuan, Wu Tian, last Chinese fir, island Jin, north.Chuan house and gross profit house have been already expeled now, the ruthlessness war history of a nation still will continue.
Don't know as well, in the future have gold tooth this parlance in house?Or, big China empire of another highest and glorious sun shines everywhere small Japan of poor and unproductive barbarism?
That day and Yu the navy difference empress in Fukien of the big You, I then take ten tigers in Guangdong and Li Hua Mei to return to Macau.On burning down Nan-ao island to the fire, Guangdong ten brave general several year the roar gather baby's house of East China Sea and be and entirely move me on board, power be I accept and weave their advantage fees.Equivalent to silver to fully have 1,100,002, and Nan-ao about 8,000 crack troops fierce bandit, envy China plum, keep saying the excrement luck of my henchman.
My half plays trick a way:"To don't all not send to you even I also send to you!"
The Cui way of Li Hua Mei:"Dog's dung, dislike smelly.Does our Li Jia lack money to do business Zheng and lack a person?Does good sons in Zhejiang wear more."
Say me very depressed.Dog's dung, dislike smelly?Say who?The silver is a dog's dung or I am a dog's dung, rob of the silver is smelly, still am I smelly?However doing not dare to dispute with her as well is too many, leave to start it's yet early, she is grandmother Gu!
Must I am careful to wait upon and smile to scold my 2 to calculate what?The bones are all crisp~~~~~
Speak of the gold tooth why come to Nan-ao island, everyone says how I is after throwing person in Macau all anxious, all say that the gold tooth is our big benefactor of regression motherland in Macau that day, can throw?Have no nature's law!Hence everyone's sons all beat the lantern seeks, but how also unable to find.
Is it happened that at this time the neighborhood fisherman of Nan-ao island spread public notice and say Wo person big brigade to offend.Ya door in Guangdong fears an enemy like tiger, the Liu total soldier wants to send troops, navy in Guangdong doesn't listen to his order, the relatives of that strict Song doesn't say that Nan-ao is the scope that belongs to Fukien, Be not willing to send troops, spirit Liu Xian almost resign."The gold tooth" in Macau gets news, one is the spirit of Liu Zong Bing however, is an also because can not find me, need one urgently and give vent to anger the tube vent, hence Lin Nuo Chris Ting Nuo of Carter these females will leave and watch the house and help the whole 塲 place of total soldier of Liu and defend duty, add inside card firm Lai Zhang Lang their red-blooded patriots, two words don't say to come right away.
Unexpectedly the ghost makes absolute being bad to run into me.
Achieved a myth of greatly clear sea Jiang border defense war.Reporting a success a clerk toward capital city now is definitely like snowflake if fly a flower, the Yi rides hoofbeat fast if rush thunder.
The news that the gold tooth safety comes back has already once reported Macau.Pack with a dense crowd to wait I to come back on the wharf, see the whole plait fleet of the gold tooth and Li Hua Mei, the crowd is a burst of to shout.
I jump down pedal first, gingerly the desire hands China plum to go on board, but this little girl is vivid such as once the elk jump and avert from me hypocritically smelly hand, such as a beauty of fly Feng lightness to fall on the ground, the eyeful wearing a smilely says:"Thank!"
I embarrassedly the Song shrug shoulders, one stand hand.Can also say what?Lao Tze put together one many wives are fine the face becoming cloudy powder try to please your China plum, you are this big beauty, unexpectedly and unexpectedly ……unexpectedly don't appreciate favors given!This be the pig eight quit to see in mirror, inside outside not elephant person.
Flurried take Li Hua Mei and Carter Lin Nuo Chris Ting Nuo love child Eve sea son Anna Annie is second SA many females introduce one by one, feel that many females see my taste have to be homicidal, treat beautiful Li Hua Mei, but smile the elephant honey is similar.Everyone is knowledge female, guest polite spirit of, very very!

The third anti- Wo in 60's the gold tooth righteousness people's regiment of chapter 285
Renew time:2009-4-314:53:39 chapter word numbers:3441

Imperial government's giving award to the imperial enactment that I capture to kill big Japanese invaders headman to come to Suo in the island to calm down has already come down.Before an old eunuch stands at the rank, Lao Tze holds a nose to kneel down to listen to read an imperial enactment:"The Mukden accepts a luck, emperor system Yue:The saint Ren widely carries, any day of reply ground to carry, might it not be close emperor life.Pu will and corner by the sea sunrise, the Wang doesn't lead in order to.Xi my emperor Zu, the Dan teaches in many ways.Turtle Niu Long Zhang, far grant the area of handing the mulberry;Zhen Mao big Zhuan, glory Shi Zhen Guo's mountain. The Si accidentally has to the breeze it to separate with the Yang of sea wave.When 茲 prosperous border, proper chapter of 讃彜 , Zi Suo in the island is quiet, make my sea nation lately, Wang China.Feeling since Be carried on the back to respectful 順……read a gold tooth great achievement, seal the Er as chief executive in Macau especially, grant of Gao life.At the drama Long Ben Zhi's letter, inherit hat clothes at the sea form, popular Hui to take, solid Fan Wei in sky toward, Er it reads a minister job be fix.The Ke follows and wants a bunch, feeling emperor boon of already Wo.Have no to substitute a style truly, the Zhi takes Lun speech, the voice of always teaches.Qin Zai Related articles:

